

1.去Dudley Bakery买面包http://dudleysbakery.com/
Dudley’s Bakery
30218 Highway 78 (Julian Road)
Santa Ysabel, CA 92070
他们的Date Nut面包和Jalapeno Cheddar是我的最爱。

2.去Raven Hill果园摘苹果。这里8000多棵小树孩子一伸手就可以摘。我家弟弟还喜欢

Raven Hill Orchard – U-Pick Open August 20, 2011, 7 days per week, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.Apple orchard featuring 8000 dwarf trees growing seven varieties, managed by the Brady Brothers since January 2005.   Patrick Brady is also an accomplished sculptor featured at  www.myartinfo.com (760) 765-2431
1284 Julian Orchards Drive, P.O. Box 981, Julian, CA 92036
Email: ulsterboyeire@aol.com

3.摘完苹果去马路对面的Blue Door Winery品品酒或买一杯7刀的冰镇西班牙式果酒

Starr Organic Farm 和 O’Dell’s Organic Orchard – U-Pick
Open until Pears are gone We have been CCOF (Certified Organic) since 2004 – there are approximately 400 Pear trees Bartlett, Anjou, Bosc.  We are a family oriented farm always keeping children in mind. In addition to Pears, there are Chickens, Goats &
Horses.  The cost is $10.00 per bag.  Hours are 11-4 Saturday & Sunday – Open during the week by appointment – We also offer group tours by appointment only please email: The orchard is located 2 drive ways past the Menghini Winery – look for the Open Flag and drive on in. 760-765-1174. 1095 Julian Orchard Dr, Julian, CA 92036
Email: odell.camille@yahoo.com

5.去Julian的Main St.吃苹果派。这里最有名的两家是
Mom’s Apple Pie和Julian Pie Co.的苹果饼。

Julian Pie Company
Locally owned family business specializing in apple pies and cider donuts.Some 17,000 trees provide apples for pies at our Julian and Santa Ysabel locations. (760) 765-2449 or (760) 765-2400
2225 Main Street, Julian or 21976 Highway 79, Santa Ysabel

Mom’s Pies
Through the front window, watch Mom’s bakers lovingly prepare pies and baked goods for you.  Steaming soups and sandwiches served on freshly baked whole-wheat buns.
(760) 765-2472
2119 Main Street

我们比较喜欢Apple Crumb (Dutch Apple Pie)和Peacan Pie。Mom’s Pie前常常排着长队。店门口牛油,肉桂和苹果的香味让人不觉食指大动,心中一份温馨的秋意。我们点了一份热热的苹果派和肉桂味的冰淇淋,一个由一个苹果做成的Apple Dumplin和一
份Root Beer Float,大人小孩都十分开心。妈妈说她平日不喜欢吃pie,但她觉得这个

6.吃完了苹果派,我们去逛Main St.我们一般都喜欢带孩子去那家叫Bird Watcher的店。各种各样卖小鸟有关的东西十分讨喜。刚好昨天又赶上他们的德国啤酒节


有时间的朋友还可以去逛边上的几个Pumpkin Patch和Santa Ysabel的Mission(老教堂),Julian Pioneer Museum和去Lake Macaulay,爬山等。大家也可以租一个附近的Bed and Breakfast小旅店。在这附近玩一个周末应该没问题。http://www.julianca.com/attractions/index.htm