嗓子疼吃什么 推荐五种食物(图)









What to eat with sore throat? There are many causes of sore throat. If it is not too serious, you can eat some food that can alleviate it. Here, let’s introduce what foods can effectively alleviate the symptoms of sore throat. Don’t miss it.

What to eat with sore throat

Kumquat: kumquat is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, B1, B2, C and calcium, which helps to eliminate throat inflammation. Patients with sore throat in summer can eat with skin, and the taste is sweet, and even skin will not have sour taste. Whole food is very good for sore throat.

Licorice: I believe most people know that licorice is very effective in treating sore throat. Licorice is flat in nature, sweet in taste and belongs to the twelve meridians. It has pharmacological effects such as detoxification, expectorant, analgesic and antispasmodic. In traditional Chinese medicine, licorice supplements the spleen and Qi, nourishes cough and moistens the lung, detoxifies urgently, and reconciles hundreds of drugs. Decoct licorice root into juice and drink it. It can improve the inflammation and pain of throat, and relieve the inflammation of tonsils or sudden sharp sore throat.

Ginger: ginger has been a good food and medicine for people since ancient times. The rhizome of ginger also has efficacy, which can sweat, antipyretic, heat preservation, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and so on. When eating, you can try to fry water with ginger soup and orange peel, and the effect will be better. It is more suitable for fever and sore throat caused by fire.

Lotus root: lotus root tastes sweet and cold. It enters the heart, spleen and stomach meridian. It has the effects of benefiting the stomach and spleen, nourishing blood and tonifying, generating muscle and stopping diarrhea. It mainly treats lung heat cough, irritability and thirst, spleen deficiency diarrhea and loss of appetite. In addition, lotus root has high nutritional value, rich in trace elements such as iron and calcium, and rich in plant protein, vitamins and starch. It can obviously replenish qi and blood and enhance human immunity. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine calls it “mainly tonifying the middle school and nourishing the mind, supplementing qi and strength”.

Honeysuckle: Honeysuckle has been famous for its extensive medicinal value since ancient times. Its efficacy is mainly to clear away heat and detoxify, mainly treating febrile diseases, fever, blood dysentery, carbuncle and gangrene, etc.

(美国华文网 圣地亚哥华文网编发 USChinesePress.com Reporter:  Ranxin Shi, Editor: Fei Lu SanDiegoChinesePress.com)