8/8 三地华人大游行反对Prop16即ACA5(图)-平权会

南北加州相約八月八在Sacramento, Arcadia, and San Diego三地同一天舉行大型車遊【反對Prop16惡法】捍衛加州憲法209號法案,反對歧視。

時間: 3pm August 8th (Saturday)
地點:  Inspiration Point North, Balboa Park
San Diego, CA
报名: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScY9HUuKU_vP8vi4cSVrhvL4RTkvapEGGczAS8Uu8A6ML9Ntg/viewform
時間: 2pm, August 8th (Saturday)
地點:  California State Capital Building West Side
1315 10th St., Sacramento, CA 95814
時間: 10:30am August 8th (Saturday)
地點:  Arcadia Community Park
405 S. Santa Anita Ave., Arcadia, CA 91006



Prop 16若通過之後,依照亞裔人口比例,加大亞裔入學名額將會減少一半。民眾都忽略了長春藤聯盟每年錄取的大學亞裔新生其實非常少。這些無法上加大的上萬名學生將會在全美所有優秀的公立私立學校與其他州的亞裔學生形成排擠效應,使全美亞裔學生的求學之路難上加難。

支持此法案者認為,華裔可因Prop16法案通過,增加進政府工作機會,但忽略了現在各級政府均已凍結招工,現有員工全部無薪休假,此狀態會持續相當長一段時間。即便好轉,政府招工都是從最底層工作招起。另外對於在非政府機構工作未滿30年而進入政府的人,IRS會予以60% 社安基金的懲罰,這是基於一人不可同時享有退休金和社安基金的規定條款,很多民眾不明了這一點。另外支持此法案者認為,華裔女性可因Prop16法案通過,增加取得政府合約的機會,但事實上,很多企業是由少數族裔掛名公司先取得合約,再轉包給金主公司承攬,金主公司只支付微薄利潤給實際的公司。真正的女性或少數族裔小企業主並不會因為Prop16的通過增加賺錢機會 。

自從6月底Prop16在加州參議院通過後, 這次將是華裔組織牽頭的反16號提案的第六場遊行。此前大批民眾已在灣區和州府進行了5場遊行,每場人數都在不斷增加中。參加者不僅有華裔,還有不少印度裔,白人和西語裔。有越來越多年輕一代站出來反對Prop16。演講嘉賓囊括共和民主兩黨,更加多樣化。遊行以引起包括NBC NEWS在內的多次多家主流媒體關注及報導。加州內的遊行抗議活動將一直持續到11月3日大選公投。本次遊行將於8月8日在南北加三地同時舉行,已邀請到多位重量級講員包括民權律師法學教授Gail Heriot,77區共和黨候選人June Cutter;CFER加州選戰經理Damian Fussel。此次亞裔反對種族歧視的維權運動具有里程碑的意義,定會被載入史冊。

為著美國精神、為著加州的前途、為著我們的子孫後代能夠享有平等的受教育權利,我們呼籲所有加州人,不論背景,黨派都要發出怒吼,捍衛人人平等,阻止惡法的通過!SAY NO TO PROP 16!

備註:Prop 16法案11月份將在加州舉行公開投票,該法案由加州議員雪莉.韋伯(Shirley Nash Weber),邁克.吉普森Mike Gipson)和米格爾.聖提亞哥(MiguelSantiago)提出,試圖通過該法案廢除1996年提出並立法的209法案(Prop 209),即允許加州在公共教育系統、公共事業單位、政府機構僱傭程序等方面考慮申請人的族裔和膚色。

Californians for Equal Rights (CFER)
Defend Proposition 209 | Reject Government Preferences


English Version

Date and Time: 3pm August 8th (Saturday)
Location:  Inspiration Point North, Balboa Park
San Diego, CA

What:  Protest Prop. 16 & Defend California Constitution’s “Equal Protection Clause”
(6th Car Rally statement, protests in three cities on the same day, more have lined up)

The California State Legislature has voted to strike these words from our state
constitution (Section 31 of Article I):

“The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin.”

Proposition (Prop.)16 is a measure on the November ballot, designed to repeal Proposition 209 (Prop. 209) which prohibits the state from discriminating against, or granting preferential treatment to, any individual or group based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin, in public employment, public contracting, and public education.  Prop. 209 upholds America’s fundamental principles of equal opportunity, merit and individual liberty, with a simple language identical to title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Prop. 16 dismisses California’s significant gains in diversity, erodes our global competitiveness in all aspects, and will cost taxpayers billions in State procurement costs and a growing enforcement bureaucracy.

The event will start with a press conference featuring distinguished keynote speakers like
civil rights activist Professor Gail Heriot, Republican candidate June Cutter, state director of Californians for Equal Rights Damian Fussel. A peaceful demonstration and a subsequent car rally will follow. We are expecting 200-300 cars and 600 people attending the San Diego event.

Since June 24 when the measure passed the state legislature, five peaceful car rallies have taken place to raise public awareness against Prop. 16. On August 8th, protests will be held in Los Angeles, Sacramento, and San Diego. All three events are organized by local grassroots organizations.

For the future of California and for Californians from all backgrounds to be guaranteed equal treatment, we unite in solidarity and hope. We will say “NO” to the attempt to legalize discrimination and restore government preferences! Stop divisive Prop. 16!

Californians for Equal Rights (CFER)
Defend Proposition 209 | Reject Government Preferences https://californiansforequalrights.org/