恐吓邮件全文披露 圣地亚哥包括在内(图)



当天,警方和学校当局没有对该威胁的性质做出具体说明。洛杉矶学区是仅次于纽约学区的美国第二大学区。该学区负责人拉蒙•科蒂内斯说,威胁针对多所学 校。他强调:“我们不能冒险。”因此,大约900所中小学全都被搜查,以寻找可能的炸药和武器。周三恢复了上课,目前还不清楚。


周三当局公布的电子邮件中扬言要枪击的地点包括有“洛杉矶,圣贝纳迪诺,贝克斯菲尔德,和圣地亚哥” 。披露的全文具体提及了“炸弹藏在储物柜(lockers)”,“神经毒气机器人”和“卡拉什尼科夫步枪(Kalashnikov rifles)。” 另外像发邮件人指出的“过去四年曾经在洛杉矶某高中呆过,体验这里向来绝对的地狱”,但未提供任何具体的证据,被当局发现都是疑点。


“To Whom It May Concern:

I am emailing you to inform you of the happenings on Tuesday. 12/15/15.
Something big is going down. Something very big. It will make national headlines. Perhaps, even international ones. You see, my last 4 years here at one of the district high schools has been absolute hell. Pure, unmitigated, agony. The bullying, the loneliness, the rejection … it is never-ending. And for what? Just because I’m ‘different’?

No. No more. I am a devout Muslim, and was once against violence, but I have teamed up with a local jihadist cell as it is the only way I’ll be able to accomplish my massacre the correct way. I would not be able to do it alone. Me, and my 32 comrades, will die tomorrow in the name of Allah. Every school in the L.A. Unified district is being targeted. We have bombs hidden in lockers already at several schools. They are strategically placed and are meant to crumble the foundations of the very buildings that monger so much hate and discrimination. They are pressure cooker bombs, hidden in backpacks around the schools. They are loaded with 20 lbs. of gunpowder, for maximum damage. They will be detonated via Cell Phone. Not only are there bombs, but there are nerve gas agents set to go off at a specific time: during lunch hour. To top it off, my brothers in Allah and I have Kalashnikov rifles, Glock 18 Machine pistols, and multiple handheld grenades. The students at every school in the L.A. Unified district will be massacred, mercilessly. And there is nothing you can do to stop it.

If you do end up trying to, by perhaps, beefing up security, or canceling classes for the day, it won’t matter. Your security will not be able to stop us. We are an army of Allah. If you cancel classes, the bombings will take place regardless, and we will bring our guns to the streets and offices of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Bakersfield, and San Diego.

I wish you the best luck. It is time to pray to allah, as this may be your last day.”