辞职市长尚未离开 至少五人争抢位子(图)

圣地亚哥因性骚扰绯闻被迫辞职下台的市长鲍伯•费尔纳(Bob Filner)还未正式离开办公室,从上周五起至今,至少已有五人出面申请要当市长。

最快举手要竞选当市长的是参加上一轮市长竞选落选的两位候选人,前州众议员、民主党的尼尔深•弗莱彻(Nathan Fletcher)和共和党的多比雅•佩特斯(Tobiah Pettus)。他们在上周五就递交了市长候选人申请。



其他居民已经申请竞选市长候选人的有出租车业主的大卫•塔森(David Tasem),心理医生和医疗顾问的阿肖克•帕瑞斯瓦然(Ashok Parameswaran),社交媒体业及企业业主的贾里德•米恩斯(Jared MIMMS),和自由意志论者活动家马克•施瓦茨 (Mark Schwartz)。此外,『伊拉克/ 持久自由』团体创始人,资深退伍军人库尔特•施瓦布 (Kurt Schwab)也填写了参加市长竞选的申请。


有人预期还会有更多的人要出来参加竞选。包括托德•凯莱(Todd Gloria),凯文(Kevin Faulconer)、卡尔• 德玛罗(Carl Demaio )等等,说不定哪天也突然“挺身而出” 参加竞选。上周三的市议会曾考虑可能在11月19日举行特别选举,获胜者将成为费尔纳的市长四年任期的剩余时间里的市长。(圣地亚哥华文网SanDiegoChinesePress.com)


Wow. I am amazed and humbled at the number of people who have already stepped up to join our campaign for mayor. I hope you will join with us by making a contribution today.

The support of people like you will make the difference in whether we can unite San Diego and begin to move our city forward.

I sat down with KUSI this morning to talk about the coming campaign and our plans to restore trust in the office of the mayor so we can start rebuilding our neighborhoods, making our communities safer and moving our city forward. Here’s the video:

In the coming weeks, I hope to hear from you about your hopes for your own community and our city as a whole.

Please consider making a donation in any amount you can afford. The maximum contribution is $1,000 per person but donations in every amount will help ensure that we move our city forward.


It is very important that we get your commitment and support today because the election is going to be held before the end of this year!

Semper Fi,

P.S. Please share this message so we can expand our base of support even more quickly!